Friday, January 6, 2012

Article: Sex Addiction Growing Among Women

This is a brand new article written by medical journalist Sharon Kirkey of the PostMedia News in Canada. It has quotes from noted sex addictions experts Patrick Carnes and Peggy Lawson. It is an interesting read but if you found my blog you are probably well educated on the topic of female sex addiction.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 27, 2012

    Peggy Lawson works at Bellwoods...where they crush the spouses of the addict. She has no credibility in my eyes. In their programme all spouses are co-addicts...and they do NOTHING to help foster empathy in the addict...or even address that the addict is in a marriage. This place is a disgusting CASH COW, designed to strengthen the addict's addiction and make them a whole lot of CASH. It is reprehensible.
